Hey, all brainy brains out there! Do think you are a bit smart at solving problems? Then yougot to read all through this blog. Below is a brain-stimulating excercise for all the youngkids between ages 5 to 7 and 8 to 12 years. We have…
11+ reasoning is one of the important components of the 11+ or also known as the Eleven-plus examination. Eleven plus is an examination administered to students in England (UK) and North Ireland in the last year of their primary education. It is an important entrance…
As the coronavirus pandemic hit the world, parents were worried about how their kids would thrive without physical education. How would their future be without access to tuitions, sports, and the extracurricular classes that they were attending? But looks like, the pandemic has opened up…
Modern parents these days are not only concerned about their child’s physical fitness but also about their brain or “mind fitness”. They are constantly looking out for ways to keep their child healthy – physically and mentally. But how can one make a child’s notorious…
Many parents, especially the working parents these days often think, is my child self- sufficient? Will my child be able to look after himself when we leave him/ her alone for a long time? These concerns and mind- boggling questions make parents worried and overwhelmed…
Did you know that, parenting is one of the most researched fields in psychology? “Good parenting” starts from the moment you smile at your baby for the first time. Good parenting plays an important role in the overall development of the child – physically, emotionally,…
Logical reasoning has been a trending parental topic these days. Most of the parents are keen on introducing this basic skill to their child. In my experience, logical reasoning in kids is a foundational skill that determines their developmental thought process as they grow as…
Do you want to know how to raise an introvert kid? Here are a few proven tips which would be useful for you.
Explore the Tips to Empower your Child through Holistic Education
We all want the best for our children. We want them to love and be loved as they grow up, to pursue their aspirations, and to find success and fulfilment. And most of all, we want them to be happy. But how much control do…