11+ reasoning is one of the important components of the 11+ or also known as the Eleven-plus examination. Eleven plus is an examination administered to students in England (UK) and North Ireland in the last year of their primary education. It is an important entrance exam similar to an IQ test since it governs admission to grammar schools and other secondary schools which use academic selection.

The name ‘11+’ is derived from the age eligibility of children who are 11+ years of age. The eleven plus examination is applicable to children who are 11- 12 years of age.

The examination is also called a ‘transfer test’ that allows children to transition from primary to secondary school.

11+ examination- Background

The Eleven- plus was introduced in the year 1944, to determine which type of school should the student attend after primary education.

Types of Schools for Secondary Education in the UK

Purpose of 11+ exam

  • To check the cognitive ability of the child.
  • To evaluate the academic ability that the child has developed over the previous school years.
  • To test how the previous curriculum has helped the child build up his skills
  • Indirectly, it also analyses how supportive the home and school environment has been to the child.

The examination tests the student’s ability to solve problems using a test of verbal and non-verbal reasoning. The 11+ verbal reasoning test requires understanding, logical thinking, and analytical ability to answer the questions based on the concept of reasoning.

Types of 11+ Examination

In this blog, I will be highlighting the topics of reasoning covered under 11+ examination:

  1. Making words: In this question, 2 sets are given, each containing 3 words. All 3 words are mentioned in the first set and the middle word of the second set is kept blank. The task is to figure out that pattern and complete the second set.
  2. Number Codes: The 11+ number codes are simple number codes where number codes are provided for three words. The child has to find the code for the fourth word from the given three words.

Example: BAT= 123, ACE= 418, ONE= 678, CAT=?


B= 1, A= 2, T=3

A= 4, C=1, E= 8

O= 6, N= 7, E= 8

So, the number code for CAT is 143

3. Similarity: Similar figure has to be identified in this question. Each question will have a sample figure and 4- 5 shapes in a row as options. The question has to be answered, based on similarity with the picture.

4. Dice: In this question, the faces of the dice may contain an alphabet or digit besides a dot pattern. Figures of certain positions of dice will be given in the question. Using those hints the child has to find out how different sides are occupied and answer the question.

5. Folding paper: Here, a transparent sheet has a specific pattern. The same pattern has to be searched from the given alternatives. The pattern can be made when the paper is folded along the dotted line. 

6. Mirror image: You need to identify the mirror image from the alternatives.

7. Complete pattern: An incomplete block of patterns (3 filled and one is empty) would be given in the question. The child has to select the final block that completes the pattern.

8. Opposites: Opposites are words whose meaning is exactly contrary to the given words. They are also called antonyms.


Lazy x Diligent, Accept x Decline, Continue x Interrupt

9. Odd one out: Find the odd one in the given set of words by observation (Cat, Dog, Pig, Hat, Horse). Explanation: In the given set of words all are animals except Hat. So, the odd word is Hat.

10. Relationship: The relationship question contains four problem figures labeled with (A), (B), (C) and (D). this is one set. Out of these, the (D) figure is empty. The other set with figures labeled 1,2,3,4 and 5 constitute the set of answer figures. There is a unique relationship between A and B. The child has to select a figure from the answer set to occupy figure (D) so that a similar relation is established between figures (C) and (D)

Example of Relationship topic in non-verbal reasoning test of 11+ exam

11. Series: This topic is all about pictures, symbols, shapes etc. it contains a series of images and needs to find the next image based on the pattern followed by other images. To solve this question, children do not need any prior knowledge. They have to use their logical and analytical ability to answer it.

12. Rotation: In this section along with the main figure, figures with different orientations (turned clockwise and anti-clockwise) are given. It is important to note that only one option has the correct position when rotated. The task is to rotate the figure in all orientations and find out which option gives the right figure. The trick is to remember the orientation of the figure that would be found in answer choices.

13. Grouping: This is one of the important topics in non-verbal reasoning tests. Here different figures will be put together based on patterns. In each question, 4 or 5 figures will be given which will be numbered. The student needs to analyze the figure and group it according to the same properties or rules followed by the previous images.  

These are the questions that are frequently asked in the verbal and non-verbal reasoning test of the 11+ exam. The results determine the child’s critical thinking skills as well as their ability to use their knowledge to solve a problem. The results of the exam would be used to select the secondary school for the child to suit their abilities and future career needs.

If you are looking to prepare your child for the 11+ examination, you can reach out to me for a customised, child specific plan on the same. I have made a lot of content for practice which should help us meet this goal.