Logical reasoning has been a trending parental topic these days. Most of the parents are keen on introducing this basic skill to their child. In my experience, logical reasoning in kids is a foundational skill that determines their developmental thought process as they grow as individuals. Let us see what is logical reasoning and what makes it so important in the life of a growing child.
What is logical reasoning?
Logical reasoning is a tool for mental aptitude development that enables a child make a rational decision by analyzing a particular situation.
Logical reasoning is also called as non- verbal reasoning. It requires an understanding of attributes, relationships and sequence. It is an important form of informal learning for kids that helps in solving problems in daily routine.
To understand the world, kids during their preoperational stage of development (before schooling) use their perceptions of environment along with bits and pieces of information gathered during their past experiences. They understand things better when they actually see them rather than using logic. Their brain goes through many random thinking processes in order to make a conclusion or a decision. For example, Nirvan and Raj are playing with a pile of blocks. Nirvan insists that his pile has more blocks compared to Raj’s flat train of blocks even after his mentor assists him in counting the blocks. Hence, the decision is made based on observation rather than actually counting the number of blocks which is a more logical approach. This is called judging by appearances. As kids start schooling, most of this randomness starts finding a direction. Unfortunely, it finds only a single direction – the subjects taught in school.
Why is logical reasoning important?
Logical reasoning helps your child to think beyond the usual academic subjects. It challenges your child’s brain to think creatively, to form meaningful patterns from what seem like random numbers, letters or shapes. In process, the right side of the brain which controls cognitive functions such as attention, imgination, processing of visual shapes and patterns is adequately tapped. If you notice, these are skills hardly touched upon in a child’s schooling, with majority of the emphasis being on left side brain development which controls memory, reading, writing and calculations.
Including logical reasoning training will result in a comprehensive coverage of left and right side aspects leading to a boost in IQ (intelligent quotient) making the child think smarter. This will not only help the child in academic performances but also help in acquiring any new skill in future. Moreover, it will support the child navigate any situation in life. These are good enough reasons to introduce this key critical thinking aspect to your child between the age of 4 to 8 years. By this age, kids begin to understand problems and find ways of solving them.

How is logic treated as a subject in developed nations like US and UK?
To get admission into the top schools in the US and UK, kids from Grade 1 onwards are tested for reasoning. Some of the schools in US have logic as a subject from Grade 1. Hence, logic and reasoning is very much prevalent in education systems which are evolved compared to developing countries like India. In Indian schools, instead of exposing children to more brain stimulating activities, there is more emphasis on studies, rote learn, competitions etc. that makes the child walk on a single track.
How will kids encounter reasoning in future?
Logical reasoning is one of the topics included in entrance exams like CAT, XAT, CET and most other entrance exams at the managerial level. Its inclusion itself means it is important for your child’s career and life ahead. But why wait for so long? Starting a key skill early has multiple benefits.
Advantages of introducing logical reasoning to your child
- Logical kids can easily correlate events and objects
- The chance of making mistakes is low in rational (logical) kids compared to those who have not learnt logical reasoning
- They grow up as successful individuals in future (in school and at work) as they can establish cause and effect relationships and develop the right strategies.
What are the sources or avenues for logical reasoning?
- Offer thinking challenges throughout the day while conversing with your child during everyday play routines. Make sure you do not answer his questions right away. Ask first what he thinks about it. Stimulate his brain by asking why questions. I have one such thinking challenge for you. Comment your child’s answers 🙂

- Games like logical balls, colorful blocks, I spy, Pick your candy etc, undoubtfully are the best way of teaching and promoting logical reasoning.
- Offer a range of fascinating manipulative objects during playtime. For example; compare different colored circles by size and ask them to arrange them in a cone accordingly. Similarly, ask the child to put colorful beads into a string and make patterns out of it. Also point out cause and effect relationship through different activities. Take up a cooking class. Ask open ended questions like what happens after adding water to flour? This will stimulate estimation and prediction. Encourage cleaning up activities at the end of the day. Ask them to classify their books and toys and put them in respective baskets.
- Attend workshops: I make my workshops with the objective of maximising learning with fun. These are visually engaging, interactive and packed with learning. Imagine your child on a trip to a palace and solving reasoning activities on the way. Doesn’t it sound fun? Checkout my workshops here:
This is how you can inculcate this “wonder tool” of logical reasoning in your child. Let me know your thoughts.