Non-verbal reasoning is an important section under logical reasoning which tests analytical thinking. It also fosters various important skills. Non-verbal reasoning does not require a deep knowledge of English, grammar, and vocabulary. It is only concerned with the interpretation of visual information and challenging one’s mathematical skills.

What is non-verbal reasoning?

Non-verbal reasoning is solving problems based on pictures, diagrams, and shapes rather than words. As the name suggests visual clues are more important than words, hence it is termed non-verbal. To master non-verbal reasoning, it needs more visual acumen along with creative thinking skills to figure out the hidden pattern.

Types of non-verbal reasoning tests

  1. Visual reasoning: The visual reasoning tests include questions in the form of a series of diagrams or flow charts. Here the child has to apply logical skills to solve problems.
  2. Inductive reasoning tests: The child has to look for patterns, shapes, relationships, and similarities between images and then choose an answer which fits best with these.
  3. Spatial awareness tests: These tests assess the ability to manipulate three dimensional shapes in your mind, visualizing how they may change or move.  
  4. Numerical reasoning tests: Here, the child is required to answer questions using mathematical facts, and figures presented in a statement or statistical tables. These statistical tables include math data.

What are non-verbal classes all about?

Non-verbal reasoning classes are designed to see how your child can use critical thinking and logic to solve problems. This will further give an indication of their mathematical capabilities. In this way, the examining body will get a picture of the child’s potential and intelligence.    

Why should one enroll their child into non-verbal reasoning classes?

Non-verbal reasoning classes have their own benefits;

  • It improves spatial awareness- i.e; understanding the relation of objects even after they change position like in 3-dimensional shapes. Eg: A cube or a dice. A child’s imagination and the right and left brain are challenged in understanding these activities.
  • Secondly, learning numerical reasoning is very important which covers mathematics, which is a key skill that is needed to solve problems in day-to-day life.
  • Thirdly, it makes your brain more alert. It changes your personality as a person and makes you more meticulous which helps take logical decisions in life.

Critical thinking activities carried out in non-verbal reasoning classes

The activities carried out in a non-verbal setting revolve around mathematical concepts such as symmetry, rotation, mirror, shapes, size, and directions and involve more visual pictures and diagrams rather than words. The classes evaluate kids’ non-verbal reasoning skills through a series of multiple-choice questions. The reasoning part relates to the child’s ability to find the correct answer.  

  • Spotting the odd shape out (E.g.: Spotting out a 3-dimensional shape in a group of 2-dimensional shapes)
  • Visual and brain challenging activities like what a shape will look like when folded
  • Identifying mirror image of a given picture
  • Working on the next diagram in a sequence
  • Finding two identical shapes in a group of 5 shapes
  • Identifying what a shape will look like if rotated at 90 degrees. This will give clear their concept of rotation and symmetry
  • Pattern changes.

All these questions and exercises are a good means to enhance a child’s general intelligence level and capacity to solve problems.

Back at home, encourage independent play with your child with different shapes, and patterns like Lego blocks which is a great way to practice shape building, counting, and visualization.

Non-verbal reasoning like verbal reasoning is an important skill that each child should conquer as he matures and grows up. Non-verbal reasoning skills may be used in jobs in the future where you need to create or interpret drawings or plans in engineering, architecture, or jobs in the police or military. But if you look at the overall perspective, the benefits of enhanced IQ, critical and creative thinking skills will help your child in academics and in all walks of life. A child’s brain will grow as much you expose it to, so why not challenge it with some fun non verbal reasoning questions! Try solving this non-verbal activity that Hrishit made for us at the end of thr workshop.